on tap


on tap 的定义

  1. Available for immediate use, ready, as in We have two more trumpeters on tap for the parade. This metaphoric expression alludes to a beverage such as beer that is ready to be drawn from a cask. [Mid-1800s]

on tap 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

ready to be used

更多on tap例句

  1. Just the hard-on before you shoot unarmed members of the public.
  2. Three on-the-record stories from a family: a mother and her daughters who came from Phoenix.
  3. You just travel light with carry-on luggage, go to cities that you love, and get to hang out with all your friends.
  4. It was a brick wall that we turned into the on-ramp of a highway.
  5. Could the (thus far) timid trembling give way to a full-on, grand mal seizure?
  6. By the time I had done my toilette there was a tap at the door, and in another minute I was in the salle--manger.
  7. "Come in," said a Cockney voice shrill with youth, in answer to her tap; and the child obeyed.
  8. I drew back from the rim of Writing-On-the-Stone, that set of whispered phrases echoing in my ears.
  9. While thus occupied, there came a soft tap to the outer door—as was sure to be the case, the clerk being absent—and Val opened it.
  10. Kingston-on-Thames is still provincial in appearance, though now the centre of a great growth of modern suburbs.